What is Issaquah Girls Basketball Association?

IGBA is a select basketball club in Issaquah, Washington, with the intent of developing the character and skills of 4th–8th grade girls planning to attend Issaquah High School. Our girls play in two leagues for regular season games — the Eastside Travel League (ETL) for A ("Gold") teams, and the PEAK League for B ("Purple") teams. Both ETL and PEAK start the first weekend in December and continue through February, culminating in a playoffs weekend in early March. 

Who is eligible to try out for Issaquah Girls Basketball Association (IGBA) teams? 

To be eligible for an IGBA team, players must live within the Issaquah High School boundaries. For questions about eligibility, inquire at


When are tryouts?

IGBA tryouts are typically the 3rd week of September.  Tryouts last approximately 4 hours over two days; with age-based sessions.  Players are expected to be at both days of tryouts.  

What happens at tryouts? 

Tryouts are an opportunity for coaches to evaluate players, to determine the right team placement.  Tryouts will consist of a variety of drills and scrimmages.  One way to prepare is to attend the optional Warm Up Camps leading up to tryouts.

What should players bring to tryouts?

Players should bring a basketball, court-appropriate shoes, and a water bottle. 

Is it possible to watch/observe tryouts?

No.  No one other than the players and coaches are allowed in tryouts.  When dropping off your player, she will receive a pinnie with a number on it.  Please keep track of this number and make sure they have the same number both days.  This is the number used to identify your player when teams are announced.


How and when will families be notified on tryout results?

Results will be posted on the Issy Select website, Tryout Results tab and Issy Select Facebook page ( approx. 1-2 days after tryout completion.  Please keep track of which number your player is assigned at tryout sign-in, as this is how you will identify your player when results are posted.

How soon do families need to accept or decline their invitation?

If your player was selected for a team, an email will be sent by your team’s coach soon after the results posting, with a formal invitation to join the team that must be accepted or declined.  Families must respond to the email invitation after receiving it to accept a spot on the team.  Families who accept will be required to attend a mandatory parent meeting that week after tryouts. 

How many teams are formed?

IGBA makes every effort to form at least one team per grade level (grades 4-8), and may form up to 2 teams per grade level.  Number of teams for any particular grade level is primarily dependent on the quantity/quality of playerse at tryouts and coach availability. 

What is the difference between “Gold” and “Purple” teams?

“Gold” teams are the top (“A”) teams for each grade level, and compete in the Eastside Travel League (ETL).  “Purple” teams (if offered for the season) are the second (“B”) team for each grade level, and compete in the  PEAK League.

Can players make “buddy requests”?

No.  Teams are formed solely based on player ability / fit for the team, not based on friend/buddy requests. 

Will IGBA allow a player to “play up” a grade level?

Yes, players can “play up” one grade level, but it’s very uncommon. The final decision is made by the IGBA coaches involved, but typically a player would need to be one of the strongest players to play at the upper grade level. IGBA also allows 3rd graders to tryout and be offered a spot on a 4th grade team if they can successfully compete at that grade level.


When, where, and how often do teams practice?

Teams typically practice twice per week, from October through March.  Practices are typically held at Issaquah Middle School or other schools within the Issaquah school district.  Exact practice schedules/details are not announced until team formation.  Teams will use the TeamSnap application to communicate practices and game schedules, as well as general team communications.  

When, where, and how often are games?

Players should expect to participate in 2-3 tournaments during the season starting in early November.  Tournaments are typically within driving distance and take place on weekends.  Exact tournaments each team participates in will be determined after team formation.  

League play (ETL / PEAK) starts the first weekend in December and continues through February, culminating in a playoff weekend in early March.  During league play, expect approximately 2 games per weekend (Saturday/Sunday).  Games will take place at Issaquah schools (home games) and schools within driving distance (away games, at the gyms of other teams participating in ETL / PEAK). 

Do all IGBA teams participate in the state basketball tournament in Spokane each year?

No.  A ("Gold") Teams must qualify for state by attending/placing in one of the tournaments they attend during the season or via league play petition. 

What can my daughter expect in terms of playing time?

There is no playing time guarantee. Playing time is determined by many factors, including overall skill level, attitude, attendance, respect for coaches and teammates, hustle, and game dynamics.


My daughter plays soccer/volleyball/basketball or plays on another club basketball team – how do I juggle practices and games for both?

Communication is key to succeeding in these scenarios.  It is important to discuss your daughter’s schedule with all coaches involved prior to accepting an offer to play for IGBA.  An occasional missed practice, game, or tournament is acceptable, however, we ask that IGBA is your top athletic commitment during the season.

What happens if my daughter doesn’t make an IGBA team?

Skills dramatically change year to year, so not making the team this year doesn’t mean she will not make it next year. If your daughter does not make an IGBA team, she may have the opportunity to play for an AAU team. You can find out about these opportunities from our coaches after tryouts or by e-mailing us at